Spider Monkeys For Sale

We are Spider Monkey Breeders

Pet Monkeys

We are pet Spider monkeys breeder

Monkeys For Home

We have Spider Monkeys Available For Home.

Healthy Spider Monkeys

Our Spider Monkeys Are Vet Checked & Dewormed.

Playful Pet Spider Monkeys

Playful Spider Monkey Near Me

Spider Monkey Adoption

Spider Monkey For Adoption, We have Male & Female Spider Monkeys For Adoption.

Pet Spider Monkeys

Learn More About Our Spider Monkeys

The spider monkey is a species of New World monkeys that is found naturally in the wild jungles of Southern Mexico all the way to Brazil. There are seven types of spider monkeys. These are White-bellied Spider Monkey (Ateles belzebuth), Peruvian Spider Monkey (Ateles chamek), Brown Spider Monkey (Ateles hybridus), White-cheeked Spider Monkey (Ateles marginatus), Black-headed Spider Monkey (Ateles fusciceps), Black Spider Monkey (Ateles paniscus) and Geffroy’s Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi).

Housing a Spider Monkey

Spider monkeys are kept as pets throughout the world. They are very popular as pets because of their looks. But they are a pet that is costly to care for. The large housing, toys, food, veterinary care and permit costs if required in your area.

Caging & Housing a Spider Monkey

Spider monkeys in the wild will stay up in the trees and will be more comfortable in an enclosure that allows them to be a distance off the ground at all times. As with all pets, the larger the space you can provide the better. Make sure the cage is very secure as they are smart and will try to escape. Solid platforms and swinging ropes are good to provide for simulating trees. You can use ropes, vines, bamboo, tire and branches for them. A shelter area needs to be available for the spider monkey to use to get out of the sun, rain or other weather when they want to. Toys are important to keep from your pet monkey from getting bored. You want to change out the toys at least weekly.

Pet Spider Monkeys - Pet Monkeys -

Buy Spider Monkey for sale. We sell Spider Monkeys for sale online. Buy Spider Monkey Breeders in USA. We have Cheap Spider Monkeys on Promotion.
Spider Monkey
Buy Spider Monkeys for sale online. We are USA Spider Monkey Breeder.

Spider Monkey Information


Monkeys cannot be potty trained. They can be very messy as that they will play and throw their feces. Young monkeys can learn to tolerate wearing a diaper. Some will not tolerate diapers as well when they get older.

Our To Feed A Spider MONKEY

The main diet of a wild spider monkey is a wide variety of fruits along with some insects and small reptiles. In captivity, you should feed your pet spider monkey 80% fruits and 20% vegetables. Monkey chow or dog food needs to be offered twice a week to supplement the proteins they receive from insects and reptiles in the wild. The fruits that can be offered are avocados, bananas, mangos, oranges, tomatoes, watermelon, mangos and other fruits. Vegetables to be fed are lettuce, cucumbers, carrots and corn on the cob. Bread can be offered as a treat.

Vet Information For Spider monkeys

Your pet spider monkey needs to be examined by a veterinary that is knowledgeable in non-human primates. There are many diseases and illnesses that monkeys can spread to humans. You want to be aware of the zoonotic diseases so you can watch for them and take the proper precautions if your monkey becomes infected with them. Also they can be a carrier for herpes B that can be transmitter to you. You will want to have a blood test done to check for this. There are other vaccines that your monkey will need like rabies vaccine. But your vet will go over all that is needed.

Spider Monkey For Sale: A Comprehensive to Bringing Home an Extraordinary Primate Companion

Dolor Risus

Are you considering an exotic and fascinating addition to your family? Spider monkeys, with their captivating charm and intelligent nature, might just be the perfect choice. In this article, we will delve into the world of spider monkeys for sale, exploring everything from their characteristics and care requirements to the legalities and ethical considerations of owning these remarkable creatures.

Characteristics of Spider Monkeys

Spider monkeys are known for their unique appearance and intriguing behaviors. With their long, slender limbs and prehensile tails, they are expert climbers, effortlessly navigating through trees and vines. Their expressive faces and social interactions make them captivating companions. However, it’s essential to understand that spider monkeys are highly intelligent and have complex needs that require diligent care.

The Allure of Owning a Spider Monkey

The decision to bring a spider monkey into your home is not one to be taken lightly. Their playful antics and strong bonds with humans can create a deep and rewarding relationship. Before proceeding, make sure to research thoroughly and assess your ability to provide the necessary environment, attention, and care that these incredible creatures demand.

Legal Considerations

Owning a spider monkey is subject to a range of legal regulations that vary by location. Before purchasing one, ensure you are well-versed in the laws of your country, state, or municipality. Some places require special permits or licenses, while others might outright prohibit the ownership of exotic animals. It is your responsibility to adhere to these laws and provide a safe and legal environment for your primate companion.

Choosing the Right Enclosure

Spider monkeys need ample space to move, climb, and swing. A spacious enclosure that mimics their natural habitat is crucial for their physical and mental well-being. Include climbing structures, ropes, and perches to keep them engaged and active. Providing a variety of toys and puzzles can help stimulate their curious minds and prevent boredom.

Proper Diet and Nutrition

Maintaining a well-balanced and nutritious diet is paramount to your spider monkey’s health. Consult with a veterinarian experienced in primate care to create a diet plan that includes a mix of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and specialized primate pellets. Fresh water should always be readily available, and dietary requirements should be adjusted as your monkey ages.

Socialization and Interaction

Spider monkeys are highly social animals that thrive on companionship and interaction. Consider getting a pair if possible, as it can help prevent loneliness and boredom. Regular playtime, mental stimulation, and gentle affection are essential to build a strong bond and ensure a happy, well-adjusted monkey.

Common Health Concerns

As with any pet, spider monkeys are susceptible to various health issues. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to monitor their well-being and catch any potential problems early. Common health concerns include dental issues, gastrointestinal problems, and stress-related behaviors. A proactive approach to healthcare will contribute to a longer and healthier life for your primate companion.

Ethical Considerations

The exotic pet trade often raises ethical concerns, and spider monkeys are no exception. Many monkeys are captured from their natural habitats and subjected to harsh conditions before reaching the market. To support ethical practices, consider adopting from reputable sanctuaries, rescue organizations, or breeders who prioritize the well-being of their animals.


Bringing a spider monkey into your home is a decision that requires careful consideration, commitment, and responsibility. These fascinating creatures can offer unique companionship and joy, but they also demand a significant investment of time, resources, and attention. By adhering to legal regulations, providing proper care, and prioritizing ethical considerations, you can create a loving and enriching environment for your spider monkey companion.


Q1: Can I keep a spider monkey as a pet without any legal issues? A1: The legality of owning a spider monkey as a pet varies depending on your location. It’s crucial to research and comply with local laws and regulations to ensure you are within legal boundaries.

Q2: How much does it cost to care for a spider monkey annually? A2: The cost of caring for a spider monkey can vary widely, including expenses for enclosure setup, dietary needs, veterinary care, and enrichment activities. On average, the annual cost can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars.

Q3: Are there any potential risks associated with owning a spider monkey? A3: Yes, there are risks associated with owning a spider monkey. They can carry zoonotic diseases that can be transmitted to humans, and their unpredictable behavior may lead to challenging situations. Proper hygiene, training, and socialization are essential to mitigate these risks.

Remember, the decision to own a spider monkey should be made after careful research and consideration of all aspects involved. It’s important to prioritize the well-being and happiness of these incredible animals throughout their lives.

Buy Spider Monkey for sale. We sell Spider Monkeys for sale online. Buy Spider Monkey Breeders in USA. We have Cheap Spider Monkeys on Promotion.


Buy Spider Monkeys Cheap

Get Playful Spider Monkeys For Sale Online. We Breed Premium Spider Monkeys.

Why You Should Consider Getting a Baby Spider Monkey

If you are looking for a new pet, why not consider the Spider Monkeys for sale? These monkeys are small and easy to care for and they make great pets for children as well as adults. They are extremely friendly with other animals and children and are also extremely healthy. Spider monkeys are very sweet and cuddly and cute! If you want to give your child something special and unique, these baby monkeys are the best choices. There are several reasons why people choose to get Spider Monkeys. One reason is that these monkeys love to be the center of attention! They will make great additions to any family and will always be willing to help out their owners with tasks that they are unable to do. Another reason is because they are extremely intelligent and very fun to be with. When they get older they have a tendency to get very lonely as they get older. As a result, they will become quite protective of their owners and will want to get around. As a result, they become quite attached to their owners and will try to make sure that their owners remain healthy and happy.


Looking to buy a Pet Monkey?

Looking to buy a Pet Monkey? Look no further, Welcome To monkeyforhome.com  Exotics Shop, whether you’re looking to purchase a Spider monkey as a pet such as a squirrel monkey For Sale, a capuchin monkey For Sale, or a marmoset for sale, or any other primate species as a pet directly from a monkey breeder near you then you are at the right place, you must do the necessary research to make sure you’re ready for this lifelong commitment towards your Spider monkey pet.

Spider Monkey Habitat

Unlike the squirrel and capuchin monkeys, black-handed spider monkeys live in Central America, from Mexico in the northeast all the way to Costa Rica and Panama in the south. They are primarily arboreal, spending most of their time in the very tops of trees. It is a common notion that monkeys “swing from tree to tree,” however, most can’t as they do not have full movement of their arms as apes do (try hanging from a monkey-bar – easy, isn’t it?). Spider monkeys are the exception to the rule, however, and can swing quite easily between branches.


Spider Monkeys Adoption

Spider Monkey For Adoption in USA. We are Trusted and Tested Spider Monkey Breeders.

Spider Monkey For Sale In USA

Our Spider Monkeys are USDA Registered. We breed Spider Monkeys for Companionship. Pet Spider Monkeys available.

Pet Spider Monkey For Sale In Canada

Pet Spider Monkeys For Sale In Canada , Delivery to Canada Takes 24HRS.

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